Our Story

In 1994, after retiring from our professional careers, we, Gary and Carol Zucca, started Zucca Mountain Vineyards in the California Sierra Nevada foothills near the town of Murphys.  After 25 years of winemaking, tasting room managing, wine events, and wine club tours to European wine regions, we re-retired and moved to Spain.  This website tells our story.

Our Family

From left to right, Tony, Jill, Gary, Carol, Poppy (the dog), Alana, Sofia, Matt, Michelle. Not pictured: Hyun, Sofia’s husband (the photo was taken in about 2014 and she’s grown up now).
Our Adventures and Memories

We started our adventure in Valencia, Spain. To keep old friends, wine club members, and anyone else interested in wine and living abroad, Gary started writing occasional newsletters about our experiences and observations as expats.

Last year the wine country seemed to call us back, so we bought an old house in Falset, a small town in the Monsant wine region east of Tarragona.  After doing a major remodel on the house, we moved here in January 2024.  

Our latest newsletter is about our visit to Haro, the “CAPITAL DEL RIOJA”, the largest major wine region in Spain.  Click here to read it, or click Newsletters to read about our earlier adventures and memories.

Our Memories

Below are many pictures and Facebook posts that bring back memories of winemaking, wine events, and wine club tours in Europe.

Thanks for all your support over the years.

 Keep in touch!

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